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  • Writer's pictureAlaina Vanderleeuw

Sayonora 2020!

What a year 2020 has been. A worldwide pandemic, lockdowns, social distancing, schools closed, travel bans, businesses shuttered, a global toilet paper shortage and to top it all off...murder hornets. I don't think there are many people holding onto this past year too tightly. See you never, 2020!

While this year was a difficult one in many ways, there has also been beauty to be found.

The pandemic started while we were attempting a family vacation down south. It had been a long day of driving. The kids were tired, we were tired, friends and family were texting saying we should come home and to top it all off our oldest was puking in the back seat. After one short day at our rental, listening to government directives (and the unfortunate discovery of some cockroaches), we were faced with the difficult (or maybe not so difficult?) decision to pack up our bags and return home. It will forever be remembered as the one-day holiday that never really happened. Drive for 2 days and relax-ish for one.

On the drive home, we were glued to the news, wondering and worrying about what life would be like when we got home and had to quarantine for 2 weeks. I must confess that I did my fair share of grumbling on that drive home. After a few days in quarantine, I realized that this virus wasn't going anywhere and I was going to have to adjust to staying home for the indefinite future. So, I challenged myself to look for beauty and God's goodness in the smallest of things in our day-to-day. There were things about our home, our neighbourhood, our little park forest, our kids deepening friendships, the sunshine on our living room couch, new recipes, the bike ride to our little beach, the smell of homemade bread, the perfect shade on our driveway for sidewalk chalk - these were all things I never paid much attention to before we were forced to slow down. There were also friends showing up for our family by delivering groceries, a well-timed card with my favourite flowers, porch visits, many nights playing games on zoom, and creative front lawn birthday displays for our kids' missed celebrations. Even in the absence of being able to gather, we were never alone or apart from community.

When reflecting back on the year of 2020, I'm ultimately grateful. For family, for friends, and the simple everyday pleasures. But even more than those things, I'm thankful for a faithful God. Friends, no matter the circumstance, choose joy.

"Be comforted dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds." - Louisa May Alcott



Carolyn Bentum
Carolyn Bentum
Jan 11, 2021

This is beautiful. Your photos, your words and your heart. I am so looking forward to watching you bloom and thrive here in this space as a photographer and to continue to shine as an encourager, friend, Mother and wife in 2021. Love you sis!


Morgan Thrall
Morgan Thrall
Jan 02, 2021

Love this! Perspective is so helpful. So much good to be found in the slowing down. And so much joy to be found in the never changing faithfulness of our God ❤️

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